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Our Mailing Program

Grow Your Stewardship, Engage Your Parishioners

Envelopes Made Easy

A Waltz Mailing Program not only improves the effectiveness of your stewardship program, but also makes life easier for you and your staff. We handle everything from distribution, storage and even reporting to make your envelope program as simple as possible.


Improved Contributions, and Communication

Due to their constant presence in your parishioners' homes, offering envelopes through a Waltz Mailing Program are the most effective way to improve donations within your congregation. Mailing Programs can also be customized with Newsletters, Special Occasion/Holy Day envelopes, or other inserts to keep your members engaged and informed of what's going on at your church.





Contribution Reporting

Contribution statements are an important and time-consuming administrative task for every church, for both your members knowledge and for tax purposes. As part of your Waltz Mailing Program, each member of your congregation receiving envelopes will receive a report covering their contribution history. This saves your office time and money and can even lead to an additional increase in giving!

















Online File Manager

In order to maximize the efficiency of your envelope system, its important to keep your member list updated. This ensures that everyone is getting envelopes and that none are going to waste. But constantly calling and making changes with your provider can be a tedious and time-consuming process. That’s why we’ve created Online File Manager, an exclusive program for mailing customers that simplifies the data management process. OFM can be accessed right from our website and is the fastest way to add or delete members, update information, upload and download member files, and more! Plus, all updates are made in real time, and can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

Your Own Concierge

To Help You Along The Way.

At Waltz, we pride ourselves on providing direct, hands-on support to each and every one of the churches we serve. As a member of the Waltz Mailing Program, you will receive a Mailing Service Concierge that is devoted to your account. Your Concierge is here to handle any questions you may have, or changes to your service that you need. 


At Waltz, we're devoted to growing your stewardship, along with a lasting relationship with your church.


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